My New Favorite Rum, Period

Rum used to be my spirit of choice years back. It was the first spirit that I did research on, read reviews, sought new ones, and tried to have “regular” go-tos, before I moved on to whiskys and craft beers. But recently, and I’m not ashamed to admit my recent re-kindled love of all things golden-age pirate had me thinking about rums again.

Appleton Estate was among my mainstays, also liked myself Pyrate now and then. But stayed away from the Cruzans because of their . . . not exactly bottom shelf by any means, but, not exactly choice either. However, I caught a sale on this Cruzan Estate Diamond Dark Rum and thought, oh heck, let’s give it a try. It’s possible if my local state-rum liquor store (so weird) wasn’t in a complete cellular deadzone preventing me from reading reviews, I might have passed it by. Oh, it doesn’t have bad reviews, but from what I’m seeing, they’re not all glowing. It seems the consensus is it’s a very solid mixing rum.

Well, I had a glass with a half-cube of ice, and sure it’s been a while since I’ve been very rum-cognizant, and I do believe this is hands down my favorite sipping rum! It was the absolute perfect balance of vanilla, and sweet, spice, smooth and a touch of heat, but no burn. I think it would make a freakin amazing old fashioned, but honestly, it is so good unadulterated with anything (save a bit of chilled water) that I almost hate to waste it on a cocktail.

The price, even when not on sale, is not that bad, either. So I will definitely be keeping a bottle of this always on hand! In fact, would absolutely love a pirate-themed decanter to keep it in. Would love one to match my goblet collection — sadly, the artist who made these retired before I could get a grenade from him. *sad sigh*

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